Here you will find an ever growing list of organisations to whom we would tender our support and which offer insights and collateral intelligence around the aims of Inequality in Education.
We recommend them:

”@TeacherToolkit is a digital media platform for teachers, currently supporting 250,000+ monthly active visitors, some of whom log in to download classroom resources. The website has now reached 18+ million readers, worldwide …
Teaching since 1992, Ross Morrison McGill started blogging in 2000 and created this website in 2007 to share his classroom ideas. After 15 years of blogging as @TeacherToolkit, the demand for his teaching wisdom has spread rapidly; this platform for teachers continues to grow!”
This is a great resource. Toolkits, positive thinking and information to help teacher and the learners too. Check out the blog!
Loved the strapline – Helping teachers get their Sunday nights back…
”Working together to tackle educational inequality
Education in the UK is not fair. Young people from low income communities are much less likely to succeed than their wealthier peers. This impacts negatively on a young person’s ability to achieve the health, happiness and career they aspire to. This also impacts the economy – if the UK raised the educational outcomes for poorer children, GDP would increase by £6bn a year by 2030 and by £56bn a year by 2050.
The Fair Education Alliance is not prepared to accept the status quo and is committed to leading the fight against educational inequality”.
Source: The Fair Education Alliance – December 2015
‘The International Centre for the Study of the Mixed Economy of Childcare (ICMEC) is a multi-disciplinary research centre set up in May 2007. It is based in UEL’s Cass School of Education and Communities.
ICMEC works to generate greater knowledge about Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) provision in countries which employ mixed economies of welfare and education services. ICMEC aims to critically analyse and document rapid trends toward privatisation and marketisation of early education and childcare provision in the UK, and to set these in the wider context of international changes’.
Source: ICMEC December 2015
The Young Foundation
‘We believe inequality undermines the economy and corrodes our wellbeing, leaving its mark on communities, relationships, aspirations and self-worth.
The Young Foundation is working to create a more equal and just society, where each individual can be fulfilled in their own terms. We work with the public and private sectors and civil society to empower people to lead happier and more meaningful lives’.
Source: The Young Foundation November 2015
Discover The Young Foundation on-line here…
The Equality Trust
‘If we want to build a better society, it is essential we take action. The Equality Trust is working with others to build a social movement for change. We analyse and disseminate the latest research, promote robust evidence-based arguments and support a dynamic network of campaign groups across the country’.
Source: The Equality Trust November 2015
Discover The Equality Trust on-line here…