Danny Dorling has a new edition of Injustice – Why social inequality still persists available. You can discover this and more of Danny’s work on the pages of PolicyPress at the University of Bristol here.

‘This fully rewritten and updated edition revisits Dorling’s claim that Beveridge’s five social evils are being replaced by five new tenets of injustice: elitism is efficient; exclusion is necessary; prejudice is natural; greed is good and despair is inevitable. By showing these beliefs are unfounded, Dorling offers hope of a more equal society’.
About the author:
Danny Dorling is the Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography at the University of Oxford. He is Honorary President of the Society of Cartographers.
He helped create the website www.worldmapper.org which shows who has most and least in the world, working with Mark Newman, Anna Barford, Ben Wheeler, John Pritchard, Graham Allsopp and Benjamin Hennig.
Danny and his work can be discovered on his own web pages here.
Professor Dorling was a speaker at our recent RSA conference, The Future of Education in England. Watch this space for an event review and films of our speakers and their contribution to a lively debate and thoughtful deliberation on educational reform.
Remember to visit our Monographia page to see interesting papers and reports which are attuned to our movements aims. Join the debate.